A word with so many meanings... a wise person once said "home isn't where your house is, its where the people you love are." Maybe that's why I'm feeling so conflicted right now.
Home is here.
- the house I grew up in
- the quilt made for me by the young women in my ward when I moved away
- the farm
- my favorite stuffed animals from when I was little
- my mom's homemade dinners
- the delicious drive-in down the street
- the best friends a girl could ask for
- familiar faces and places where memories are made
- finding old bucket lists and notes passed in high school
- realizing your dreams didn't come true, or at least not yet, but realizing that its ok
- rolling hills, green grass, lightning bugs
Home is also there. Utah.
- endless hugs and get well wishes
- familiar faces and places where memories are made
- birthday buddies
- roommates and friend I can count on no matter what
- blessings and service from people who have just met me and love me unconditionally
- a second family
- someone who holds my hand & dries my tears
- late night giggle sessions with roommates about hair, reflexes and need I say?? boys
- mountains, cuddles with warm blankets and good books, good news from friends abroad
- attempts at mom's homemade goodies
- endless lessons, all learned in miraculous ways
- a chance to grow beyond the capacities of my own imagination
I guess what I'm trying to say is home is simple.
Home is love, no matter the location. Love is... home.